Endless Elevator Mechanics

Howdy. Xander here…

This is a quick demo of the basic play mechanics from our new game in development Endless Elevator.  We got the basic movement working a while ago (see our Smooth Moves post) and now that The Dog Run is in BetaTesting we can spend some more time working on this game.

(If you want to help with Beta Testing and be an early adopter of The Dog Run you can sign up here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.ZuluOneZero.TheDogRun)

This clip below for Endless Elevator shows:

The Good Guy Cop Character movement (oh yeah he goes left and right)

Firing his awesomely powerful dumb dumb gun

Using (the eponymous) Elevator (see if you can spot the camera tracking bug!)

Traversing (the namesake) Escalators

Finally entering a doorway with a Power Cube (I’m not sure what it will look like in the final game yet). When he goes into a doorway with the special block the game flips and he goes into a Super Spy Store (not shown) where new fun weapons and power-ups are available!  Cool.

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