Tag: Game Design

  • Unity: Networking Does Not Work in the Editor

    This is an embarrassing post. Some days are there to simply remind you that you don’t really know what you are doing. I spent two days trying to track down why my networking scripts were not working when I ran them in the editor. Turns out that the editor makes it’s own internal network stack…

  • Blender 2D Animation with Meshes

    This is a follow on from the workflow discussed in the previous post: Preparing 2D Art for Animation. This is the end result of the process described: I’m looking to see if there are any advantages to using Blender as a 2D Animation tool using meshes over Unity’s Spline Sprite based animation system. The differences…

  • Unity Message Bus

    Unity Message Bus

    How to make use of a message bus in Unity. This is a good solution to decouple components and logically organise how your game runs. Instead of doing all the dragging in the editor of game objects and components into scripts the message bus works a bit like a proxy for the communication between scripts.…

  • Exporting Multiple Animations from Blender to Unity

    This is one of those workflows that is always a bit fiddly to get right so I’ve documented how to do it here in case I forget! One of the downsides to being a solo developer is that your skillset is always being stretched by the available time so you can end up getting proficient…

  • Unity: Android Native Crash – [Solved] MP4 Audio Encoding Problem

    I’ve been in Beta Testing for a new game I’m about to release on the Google Play Store (the game is called Endless Elevator). I kept having Native Crashes on specific Android platforms in all my builds in the Pre-Launch Reports. Native Crashes can be terrible to work through if you get unlucky so I…

  • Unity: How to Create a Cut-Scene with Cinemachine and Unity Recorder

    Hi Xander here, For Endless Elevator we wanted to do an Introduction Scene for the game. The gameplay, as the name suggests, consists of climbing endless elevators and escalators. The player navigates floor after floor in the bad guys luxury hotel and tries to climb as high as possible while defeating the bad guys. It’s…

  • Unity Audio vs Wwise

    To start with I wanted to do a general investigation into Wwise the integrated audio package for Unity by AudioKinetic. When I started working through it I figured it would be more interesting to look at Wwise in comparison to Unity’s own audio API and mixer components which have been around since Unity 5. To…

  • Demo Text Adventure Game Released on Google Play

    Hi Harmony here…. We released the demo game for our Text Adventure framework on the Google Play Store this week. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ZuluOneZero.AdventureText The Code for the Project is available on GITHUB: https://github.com/zuluonezero/AdventureText Quick Start Instructions for building a 2D Unity project are available on the README. More detailed information is available in the ZuluOneZero – DevBlog.…

  • Endless Unity Camera Tricks

    In our game currently under development called Endless Elevator I decided to add a new feature of more depth.  The game is 2.5D and mostly sits in a very shallow Z axis, a limited X axis, and an endless Y axis. As the name suggests your character is inside a never ending building trying to…

  • Making a Custom Navigation Mesh for AI

    Hi Xander here… This week I decided to totally redo the way I have been handling character movement. I used to have a free ranging character controller that basically moved in the direction your joystick wanted. I never really had that as my vision for this game as I wanted a more 2.5D feel to…