Category: Games

  • Android Mobile GyroScope

    Android Mobile GyroScope

    I’ve been cleaning out old projects and experimental work. This Android Mobile Gyroscope code I was going to build up into a space run style of game inspired by my memories of a favorite Atari Star Wars cabinet. The player object is the blue cube that flies down the “canyon” and has to dodge the…

  • GODOT: Learning from the Tutorials

    Stuff that I learned from the Godot Step-by-Step starter tutorials. I’m hoping I can shorten someone else’s journey (plus this is how I document stuff). A Godot Game is a tree of Scenes (*.tscn files from the project explorer) and Scenes are made up of Nodes (the primitive types in a Godot game). In the…

  • Preparing 2D Art for Animation

    I’ve been doing some work on the 2D side of things in preparation for another game. This has been the general workflow. 1. Make the assets in Clip Studio. 2. Pack the sprites with Free-Tex-Packer 3. Import the art into Blender, make a mesh for each sprite and UV map it. 4. Add the Armature…

  • Unity Message Bus

    Unity Message Bus

    How to make use of a message bus in Unity. This is a good solution to decouple components and logically organise how your game runs. Instead of doing all the dragging in the editor of game objects and components into scripts the message bus works a bit like a proxy for the communication between scripts.…

  • Exporting Multiple Animations from Blender to Unity

    This is one of those workflows that is always a bit fiddly to get right so I’ve documented how to do it here in case I forget! One of the downsides to being a solo developer is that your skillset is always being stretched by the available time so you can end up getting proficient…

  • Blender: Simple Dishes Plates and Cups

    One game currently in the pipe line is called The Gap. The game is about the gap between the private internal world of personal histories and how they feed and colour perceptions of the present. Esoteric I know right. But basically it’s an exploring game in an urban setting with lots of indoor areas that…

  • Endless Elevator – Last Week of Beta Testing

    Endless Elevator – Last Week of Beta Testing

    Hi Harmony here, I’d like to thank the wonderful Beta Testers who have signed up for our Open Beta of Endless Elevator over the last month. I was really surprised how many people responded to our call and very grateful to all those who provided feedback. The Open Beta is still running for another week…

  • Endless Elevator – Early Access Beta

    Endless Elevator went into Beta Testing on May 27, 2020.

  • Unity: How to Create a Cut-Scene with Cinemachine and Unity Recorder

    Hi Xander here, For Endless Elevator we wanted to do an Introduction Scene for the game. The gameplay, as the name suggests, consists of climbing endless elevators and escalators. The player navigates floor after floor in the bad guys luxury hotel and tries to climb as high as possible while defeating the bad guys. It’s…

  • Unity Audio vs Wwise

    To start with I wanted to do a general investigation into Wwise the integrated audio package for Unity by AudioKinetic. When I started working through it I figured it would be more interesting to look at Wwise in comparison to Unity’s own audio API and mixer components which have been around since Unity 5. To…