Tag: Mobile Games

  • Unity: Networking Does Not Work in the Editor

    This is an embarrassing post. Some days are there to simply remind you that you don’t really know what you are doing. I spent two days trying to track down why my networking scripts were not working when I ran them in the editor. Turns out that the editor makes it’s own internal network stack…

  • Unity: How to Create a Cut-Scene with Cinemachine and Unity Recorder

    Hi Xander here, For Endless Elevator we wanted to do an Introduction Scene for the game. The gameplay, as the name suggests, consists of climbing endless elevators and escalators. The player navigates floor after floor in the bad guys luxury hotel and tries to climb as high as possible while defeating the bad guys. It’s…

  • The Coin Flip

    Ah the coin flip! Simple easy and fun. The mechanism is a platformer mainstay. You run over a spinning coin (it glitters, it calls you) it pops into the air, and it’s yours! This is how we do it… There is a Rigidbody and Collider on both the coin and the player character. You can…

  • Demo Text Adventure Game Released on Google Play

    Hi Harmony here…. We released the demo game for our Text Adventure framework on the Google Play Store this week. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ZuluOneZero.AdventureText The Code for the Project is available on GITHUB: https://github.com/zuluonezero/AdventureText Quick Start Instructions for building a 2D Unity project are available on the README. More detailed information is available in the ZuluOneZero – DevBlog.…

  • Getting a Foot in the Door of Game Design

    First of all – sorry about the misleading title – this post is about getting the doors working in the Endless Elevator game that we are currently developing. I thought it was a good pun and that as this post is all about our development process that it wasn’t too bad. The only career advice I got…

  • The Dog Run is in Production on the Google Play Store

    The Dog Run is in Production on the Google Play Store

    This week we moved our latest game The Dog Run into Production on the Google Play Store. The Dog Run is an Endless Runner for Android that supports animal welfare! It’s a free game. There is the option to watch ads but instead of in game rewards all profits from the advertising goes to support animal welfare…

  • Image File Size in Unity and their Impact on Start Up Time on Android

    Xander here… We have been Beta Testing our soon to be released game The Dog Run and it’s been mostly OK but we had a number of issues with memory on smaller or older devices.  We made some gains with modifying our audio files (See this post) but were still running into niggling crashes on start…

  • Unity Debugging with ADB for Android

    Hi Zulu here… (First of all … sorry for the cat) Let me say straight off that your first port of call for any Unity debugging should be the Unity Console. Though sometimes you need more low level operating system logging for Android. This is where ADB (in lower case) comes in. On Windows this…

  • Key Quest! Google Play Store Key Signing and the Pain of a Long Slow Death

    Should Google Manage Your Keys for Games built with Unity? We recently had a problem that caused weeks of pain and struggle and it had nothing to do with coding. It was the damn java keystore signing process that we signed up for on the Google Play Store. The basics are that the Google Play…

  • Endless Elevator Mechanics

    Howdy. Xander here… This is a quick demo of the basic play mechanics from our new game in development Endless Elevator.  We got the basic movement working a while ago (see our Smooth Moves post) and now that The Dog Run is in BetaTesting we can spend some more time working on this game. (If…