Tag: Games

  • GODOT: Learning from the Tutorials

    Stuff that I learned from the Godot Step-by-Step starter tutorials. I’m hoping I can shorten someone else’s journey (plus this is how I document stuff). A Godot Game is a tree of Scenes (*.tscn files from the project explorer) and Scenes are made up of Nodes (the primitive types in a Godot game). In the…

  • Blender 2D Animation with Meshes

    This is a follow on from the workflow discussed in the previous post: Preparing 2D Art for Animation. This is the end result of the process described: I’m looking to see if there are any advantages to using Blender as a 2D Animation tool using meshes over Unity’s Spline Sprite based animation system. The differences…

  • Preparing 2D Art for Animation

    I’ve been doing some work on the 2D side of things in preparation for another game. This has been the general workflow. 1. Make the assets in Clip Studio. 2. Pack the sprites with Free-Tex-Packer 3. Import the art into Blender, make a mesh for each sprite and UV map it. 4. Add the Armature…

  • Endless Elevator – Last Week of Beta Testing

    Endless Elevator – Last Week of Beta Testing

    Hi Harmony here, I’d like to thank the wonderful Beta Testers who have signed up for our Open Beta of Endless Elevator over the last month. I was really surprised how many people responded to our call and very grateful to all those who provided feedback. The Open Beta is still running for another week…

  • Getting a Foot in the Door of Game Design

    First of all – sorry about the misleading title – this post is about getting the doors working in the Endless Elevator game that we are currently developing. I thought it was a good pun and that as this post is all about our development process that it wasn’t too bad. The only career advice I got…

  • Why Normalize()

    I’ve been doing some work on the AI for enemy behaviours for an unreleased game Endless Elevator and have been delving into the book “Unity 2018 Artificial Intelligence Cookbook – Second Edition” by Jorge Palacios. It uses the Normalize() function regularly to record the direction of an object in relation to another object and it…

  • Indie Game Release Click Through and Conversion Rates

    Hi Harmony here… Last Sunday we released our game The Dog Run into the Google Play Store. This post is a breakdown of the first week release click through rates from this web site and the conversion rates that resulted in an actual download of a game. Let me say from the outset that without…

  • The Dog Run is in Production on the Google Play Store

    The Dog Run is in Production on the Google Play Store

    This week we moved our latest game The Dog Run into Production on the Google Play Store. The Dog Run is an Endless Runner for Android that supports animal welfare! It’s a free game. There is the option to watch ads but instead of in game rewards all profits from the advertising goes to support animal welfare…

  • Unity Debugging with ADB for Android

    Hi Zulu here… (First of all … sorry for the cat) Let me say straight off that your first port of call for any Unity debugging should be the Unity Console. Though sometimes you need more low level operating system logging for Android. This is where ADB (in lower case) comes in. On Windows this…

  • Endless Elevator Mechanics

    Howdy. Xander here… This is a quick demo of the basic play mechanics from our new game in development Endless Elevator.  We got the basic movement working a while ago (see our Smooth Moves post) and now that The Dog Run is in BetaTesting we can spend some more time working on this game. (If…