Animating the Running Dog with Unity and GIMP

I finally got the game I started in November into some semblance of how I wanted it to look.  The running dog animation anyway.  Still playing with different backgrounds but this one is sure “fun”.

It took a long time to get all the dog actions done drawing each one by hand and getting a lot of unsatisfactory results.  The animation is all “flip-book” style with each frame a different drawing.  There were between 70 to 80 pictures for the entire set.

The art was done in gimp with the help from some nice veterinarian manuals on the dog gait.

I mocked up a few transitions from an opening scene to a nice zoom down to playing position.

Then moved between a sedate walk to a running gallop and a little jump.  She looks like she’s really flying now!


During this time I also had a big problem with corrupted a scene after playing in the Animator window.  Big tip and future post – do not restart Unity if it crashes without taking a copy of your temp directory first. It took me about two weeks to rebuild everything but more on that later.

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