Tag: Programming

  • GODOT: Learning from the Tutorials

    Stuff that I learned from the Godot Step-by-Step starter tutorials. I’m hoping I can shorten someone else’s journey (plus this is how I document stuff). A Godot Game is a tree of Scenes (*.tscn files from the project explorer) and Scenes are made up of Nodes (the primitive types in a Godot game). In the…

  • Unity: Networking Does Not Work in the Editor

    This is an embarrassing post. Some days are there to simply remind you that you don’t really know what you are doing. I spent two days trying to track down why my networking scripts were not working when I ran them in the editor. Turns out that the editor makes it’s own internal network stack…

  • Unity: Show Grid Coordinates Scene View

    I’ve been working with the FFTWindow analysing audio input and needed a quick way to view the coordinate space of the grid. I’m surprised there is not a feature in Unity to do this (at least not that I could find). This is a quick script to help with debugging coordinates in the Scene View.…

  • Unity: High CPU on Small Projects

    Quick Tip: I have been working on a TCP/IP Networking project using a client/server architecture. The client (and the server for that matter) are both relatively small code bases and the UI and object count are really low in the scene. I had been struggling with CPU load in the project and feverishly trying to…

  • Unity Message Bus

    Unity Message Bus

    How to make use of a message bus in Unity. This is a good solution to decouple components and logically organise how your game runs. Instead of doing all the dragging in the editor of game objects and components into scripts the message bus works a bit like a proxy for the communication between scripts.…

  • Rust on RHEL WSL2

    Rust on RHEL WSL2

    I’ve been doing a lot of back end investigation the past few months – trying to build something to support future projects. Most of it’s just random poking about with new technologies and different ways of doing “stuff” but then sometimes while doing this you find something that is really cool and resonates with the…

  • More Gaps

    This is more concept art for a protagonist in the new project called The Gap. Okapi Boy – I have always loved Okapi’s. They are shy and remained hidden from the world in the deepest parts of the jungle until they were discovered in the 50’s. Beautiful Zebra like patterns on skin like a Deer.…

  • Vector Maths with Unity Gizmos

    Vector Maths with Unity Gizmos

    It’s really nice to get a game finally published. Endless Elevator is now on the Google Play Store so I’ve been planning and experimenting and just plain playing around with Unity and Game Ideas before I start a new project. It’s kind of like a holiday. I like maths and I also like visualising it…

  • Unity: Circular Movement with Triangles

    Unity: Circular Movement with Triangles

    My son asked to do some game programming with me last week. I was super excited. We did an eyeball rolling around in a circular motion (see image below). He did everything from working in Unity to making the assets and materials and I was very proud. I helped with the function to make it…

  • Unity Code Review and Style Guide

    Hi Trixie here. It’s Code Review time! Yay. Time to clean up that code and start really looking at all the crap work you’ve done over the last months and clean that sh!t up! I’ll post our in-house Style Guide (which of course goes out the window when you are coding in anger) at the…