Tag: Endless Elevator

  • Unity: Android Native Crash – [Solved] MP4 Audio Encoding Problem

    I’ve been in Beta Testing for a new game I’m about to release on the Google Play Store (the game is called Endless Elevator). I kept having Native Crashes on specific Android platforms in all my builds in the Pre-Launch Reports. Native Crashes can be terrible to work through if you get unlucky so I…

  • Unity – Unable to update the SDK. Please run the SDK Manager manually.

    I had this problem during a build this week and figured I’d better document it 1. In case anyone else needs to do it and 2. So I don’t forget it myself for next time. I’m running Unity 2019.4.1f1 and doing the final few Beta builds for the game I’m just about to release called…

  • Endless Elevator – Last Week of Beta Testing

    Endless Elevator – Last Week of Beta Testing

    Hi Harmony here, I’d like to thank the wonderful Beta Testers who have signed up for our Open Beta of Endless Elevator over the last month. I was really surprised how many people responded to our call and very grateful to all those who provided feedback. The Open Beta is still running for another week…

  • Endless Elevator – Early Access Beta

    Endless Elevator went into Beta Testing on May 27, 2020.

  • The Coin Flip

    Ah the coin flip! Simple easy and fun. The mechanism is a platformer mainstay. You run over a spinning coin (it glitters, it calls you) it pops into the air, and it’s yours! This is how we do it… There is a Rigidbody and Collider on both the coin and the player character. You can…

  • Endless Unity Camera Tricks

    In our game currently under development called Endless Elevator I decided to add a new feature of more depth.  The game is 2.5D and mostly sits in a very shallow Z axis, a limited X axis, and an endless Y axis. As the name suggests your character is inside a never ending building trying to…

  • Making a Custom Navigation Mesh for AI

    Hi Xander here… This week I decided to totally redo the way I have been handling character movement. I used to have a free ranging character controller that basically moved in the direction your joystick wanted. I never really had that as my vision for this game as I wanted a more 2.5D feel to…

  • Getting a Foot in the Door of Game Design

    First of all – sorry about the misleading title – this post is about getting the doors working in the Endless Elevator game that we are currently developing. I thought it was a good pun and that as this post is all about our development process that it wasn’t too bad. The only career advice I got…