Tag: Blender

  • Rebelle 7 Blender UV Painting Workflow

    Rebelle 7 Blender UV Painting Workflow

    This is my workflow for UV Painting in Blender using Rebelle 7. I like using Rebelle 7 because it mimics real media like oil paints or watercolor and pastels etc. and it has unique color mixing abilities that are similar to mixing with actual paint. The simplest method for making the material is to add…

  • Blender 2D Animation with Meshes

    This is a follow on from the workflow discussed in the previous post: Preparing 2D Art for Animation. This is the end result of the process described: I’m looking to see if there are any advantages to using Blender as a 2D Animation tool using meshes over Unity’s Spline Sprite based animation system. The differences…

  • Exporting Multiple Animations from Blender to Unity

    This is one of those workflows that is always a bit fiddly to get right so I’ve documented how to do it here in case I forget! One of the downsides to being a solo developer is that your skillset is always being stretched by the available time so you can end up getting proficient…

  • Blender – Custom Bevels

    This week for my game called The Gap I’ve been doing some house components. The game is set in the suburbs and there will be a lot of house interiors. In what I envision to be the opening scene of the game your main character wakes in his or her bedroom alive with excitement and…

  • Getting a Foot in the Door of Game Design

    First of all – sorry about the misleading title – this post is about getting the doors working in the Endless Elevator game that we are currently developing. I thought it was a good pun and that as this post is all about our development process that it wasn’t too bad. The only career advice I got…

  • The Five Games in Ten Weeks Challenge!

    Some months back I went to a local presentation by the Unity champions at The Arcade (a collaborative workspace specifically for game developers and creatives) in Melbourne.  It was one of those “learn about others and gain insight into one’s self” moments.  One thing I picked up from one of the presenters from Hipster Whale (makers of Crossy…