Category: Unity

  • Android Mobile GyroScope

    Android Mobile GyroScope

    I’ve been cleaning out old projects and experimental work. This Android Mobile Gyroscope code I was going to build up into a space run style of game inspired by my memories of a favorite Atari Star Wars cabinet. The player object is the blue cube that flies down the “canyon” and has to dodge the…

  • Unity: Show Grid Coordinates Scene View

    I’ve been working with the FFTWindow analysing audio input and needed a quick way to view the coordinate space of the grid. I’m surprised there is not a feature in Unity to do this (at least not that I could find). This is a quick script to help with debugging coordinates in the Scene View.…

  • Unity: High CPU on Small Projects

    Quick Tip: I have been working on a TCP/IP Networking project using a client/server architecture. The client (and the server for that matter) are both relatively small code bases and the UI and object count are really low in the scene. I had been struggling with CPU load in the project and feverishly trying to…