Month: November 2018

  • Making a Custom Navigation Mesh for AI

    Hi Xander here… This week I decided to totally redo the way I have been handling character movement. I used to have a free ranging character controller that basically moved in the direction your joystick wanted. I never really had that as my vision for this game as I wanted a more 2.5D feel to…

  • Getting a Foot in the Door of Game Design

    First of all – sorry about the misleading title – this post is about getting the doors working in the Endless Elevator game that we are currently developing. I thought it was a good pun and that as this post is all about our development process that it wasn’t too bad. The only career advice I got…

  • Oversharing About Overriding

    The idea of a class and how objects, scripts or behaviours are implemented in Unity is pretty straightforward. Each object or type is a class and each script is a sub class of the MonoBehaviour class. So we are using classes all the time. Even if a script isn’t a behaviour, like a controller script…